Sunday, November 15, 2009

The one thing I would like everyone to know about me is that I am Stefanie's man! I feel so good about myself knowing that I am associated with such a cool girl. Everyone knows that Stefanie is fun-loving; and since she loves me, it must mean that I am fun too! I never knew I was cool. The best thing about Stefanie for me is how great a wife she is......seriously, I thought having a wife was supposed to be the worst, but she is so funny. The best is when I am getting all worried about some temporary thing, all absorbed by some stressful task, and she will throw in a comment that is so off-topic and funny that it snatches me entirely away from what I was worried when I was finishing an essay, and my brain was so exhausted from working on it that I was useless, and she says something like "Punch-Bob-Square'n-the-Pants". She gets me every time.

Another thing I am so proud of is that I am a daddy! Our baby Lucy is too cute. I want everyone to meet her and hold her. You should meet her. Really, it would do us some good if you could hold her: My arms are getting tired.


  1. Hey! It's your cousin Amber!!! I found your blog on julies!!! you have to check out my blog. Your lucy is SO CUTE! I really want to see her! Hope you are having a great holiday!!!

  2. Blake and Stefanie!!! I am so excited you guys have one of these things!! Welcome to the blogging world. We would love to stay in touch more often. Our blog is Your little girl is a little doll! Wish I could be closer to hold her. Hope you guys are doing well. Can't wait to see you again! xxxx
