Lucy can Sing.. sometimes too loud and at all the wrong times
Lucy can Dance.... definitely to the beat of her own drum, but it's dancing just the same
Lucy can crawl..... much tooo fast .. she's just GO GO GO! who wants to nap?? not Lucy
Lucy can wiggle.....she does this weird back and forth wiggle thing when she's happy. I love it.
Lucy can click her tongue
Lucy can drink juice from her juice box
Lucy can eat..... she loves anything you stick in front of her ... she'll try and take it out of my mouth sometimes
Lucy can say "baba" in a high pitched girly voice over and over and over again.......
Lucy can hug her baby
Lucy can wave Bye Bye , she thinks she's the Queen
Lucy can do much much more!... and learning something new everyday.
I just love her. She's Beautiful!